Thursday, October 13, 2011

Madison River–Oct 10, 2011

I make an annual trip to West Yellowstone with Pete and Roy every Columbus Day weekend to fish for the browns in the Madison just north of West Yellowstone. After four years, I STILL have NOT caught one of those fish! But, I get on the river, and life is good. One year, I think two years ago, the weather was absolutely awesome. Normally, like this year, it’s a bit chilly, windy, and cloudy, which isn’t a problem if you are dressed for it.

I started my annual trek with a 0530 alarm, with intent of being out of the house at 0600. I was tracking for another on-time-departure when Noah woke up at 0558, as is his somewhat routine nature now. I tried my best to take care of him and get him back to sleep; the last thing I wanted was for Tera to have to get up early because I went fishing when I was already planning to be gone all day on a holiday. These fishing days are getting expensive on spousal-approval-units!


Out the door at 0625. Get gas. On the freeway at 0630 and cruising. I get to the see the sunrise from ray 1 to full-blown daytime….I realize I haven’t seen one in a while. Near St. Anthony I can see that the Tetons have lots of snow again already, and I wonder how much snow is on the ground in Yellowstone. At Pete and Roy’s room, I’m in and then a few seconds later we’re out the door. No screwing around this day!

Stop at Blue Ribbon Flies to get some flies.Apparently, Pete caused a bit of an uproar in there the day before, and I shouldn’t have asked why. Below is what was recommended to me. I don’t remember all the names. I liked the yellow one the best, but then I’m not the one who needs to eat it, unfortunately.


On to the river! We stop at a small parking area just north of the airport. This is new to me, and my gut says “make sure you know where you are!” because I’ll be walking out by myself back to the car later in the day. We dress quickly. Can’t find my bear spray…I KNOW I put it in my pack!?!? 

A few minutes on a road/trail, then bushwhacking. Bam! We’re at the river. The first guy we see has a fish on, then off, then right back on. This is going to be a good day!


I spent the next five hours playing around on the banks of the river, putting my fly into spots that HAD to have fish. Nothing! Nothing all day! Oh wait, there was that little white fish I didn’t know I had on til I yanked my fly out of the water. Wonders of a seven weight! By golly I had a fish! He came right off as he flew threw the air.

One hole got about 150 casts and ten different flies through it. NOTHING!



Brace yourself for what I am about to say. Sitting down? 

There is cell phone service on the river through this section. There I said it. And yes I used it. Throw me in the creek or whatever. I say this so you know it’s there and know that it can be used if there is a safety issue. And if you get a bit cranky about no fish, you can….now, I don’t recommend this actually….you can call your wife and whine and moan about no fish while she’s at home taking care of the little kids and all their end-of-the-world-issues with not near enough sleep.



On the way out, I lost the trail and no-kidding had to bushwhack. I hit the road about 200 yards south of the cars, so that’s not really that bad for being in an area for the first time and not having a map. I didn’t break out the GPS on the phone for a bit, but it’s location had me on the wrong side of the road….it’s not very accurate.

I don’t consider these great days for fishing, but I like them because I get to be on the river. I am excited about taking Paul and Noah there some day, and Tera could finally have a day off(!). The weather was pretty good, and I didn’t get rained on. I got to see Pete and Roy. I got into the park for the last time. You know, it was a pretty good day!

………….and then I found my bear spray in the bottom of my pack when I unpacked after getting home! Go figure.

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