First things first…I saw some salmon flies at the confluence of the Yellowstone and Lamar.
Yellowstone River: Wow! 9,000 cfs is A LOT of water.
Lamar River: High and muddy. We spent some time on the sandbar just about the beginning of the canyon. Paul loved hanging out on the rocks…which ones to throw?!?!
Gibbon River: Fished west side of the bridge and caught a few 8 inch brook trout. Nice day and a little bit of wind. Nice to be out fishing in the park!
Wildlife: saw more bears than normal, with grizzly sightings every day but Sunday and all of them in the northeast part of the park. Saw a few elk and of course lots of bison in the Lamar River. Didn’t see any wolves…I never get to see wolves
So, with no fishing available, what did we do?
Thursday: drove to Roosevelt, checked in, settled in, sat on the porch.
Friday: Morning coffee on the Roosevelt Porch. Fished Gibbon River.
Saturday: Morning coffee on the Roosevelt Porch. Took Paul hiking for the day. Started the day on the rockbar on the corner just above the beginning of the canyon…lots of fun.
Morning rain and rainbow in Lamar Valley
Paul has fun on the rockbar in the Lamar River.
Lamar River is high and muddy.
Then went up the upper Soda Butte Creek area. Wow, that place is truly beautiful! We did a little one mile out and back walking along the creek (small river!).
Soda Butte Creek looking northeast.
Then we hiked to the confluence of the Lamar and Yellowstone, something I’ve been wanting to do for several years but simply haven’t done it. It’s a nice and easy walk, about fifteen minutes with not terrible steepness, but there is some SIGNIFICANT exposure to a cliffside that can plunge you straight down into the river with no hopes of coming out….little kids need their hand held at a minimum or on shoulders or in backpacks for a real sense of safety.
Salmon flies out and about at the confluence of Lamar and Yellowstone River!
Sunday: Morning coffee on the Roosevelt PorchWe packed up in the morning and then headed over to Canyon because I wanted to see what 9,000 cfs looks like going over the fall. Wow! We also stopped at the Canyon Visitor Center so I could look at the terrain model that is so AWESOME. Then we headed home so I can pack to travel again first thing Monday morning for work.
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